What is
Master Your Pleasure and Success Now!
a portal to your infinite fulfilment and prosperity a program created to heal all sexual and money trauma from the root once and for all.
A specialized program designed to help individuals who have experienced trauma related to their sexual and financial lives. This program aims to provide a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their past experiences and develop strategies for healing and growth.
The goal is to help clients find a path towards healing and recovery, and to empower them to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.
I was surprised as soon as I turned on the module. All the emotions of shame, blame and feeling dirty came to the surface. Even before I got to the part of Infinity Healing. This is how jam packed it is with healing around sexual trauma & money. It was so amazing. It definitely cleared out my basement. It was a beautiful experience internally & I can't wait to see the external in the 3D way out .
When I received the module, it had 2 of the most beautiful people I know collaborating together. I'm very thankful for this opportunity.
When I started the module I happened to glance at the time and saw the angel numbers 444. Off to an amazing start since the angel numbers mean that my connection with the angels, and the angelic realm is a powerful connection that I can trust the guidance given to me. I knew this was sent to me to help transform.
As Lisha began to talk about the shadow self, things started clicking, and I instantly felt tingly all over. It felt like an activation.
After the infinity healing from Tarek, I felt immediate peace and love. It was a beautiful experience and I highly recommend working with both Lisha and Tarek to heal and evolve from trauma especially with sex and money since they're intertwined so greatly in our lives.
I just completed module 1 of the "Master your Pleasure & Success Now!" Program.
All I can say is, WOW!
Tarek and Dr. Lisha Antiqua offered profound insights that truly touched me on a deep level. I started the module feeling a bit closed off and resistant, but upon completion I feel open, and am harnessing more self-compassion regarding my personal trauma.
Learning to integrate the shadow aspect of myself has always felt daunting, but now I see it all with a fresh perspective. I am also extremely grateful for having the opportunity to receive a beautiful Infinity Healing transmission from Tarek during this module.
Highly recommend to anyone who is interested in taking the next step in their healing journey!
Module 1 was very beautiful, insightful and a shifting experience.
I'm not a religious person by any means, but I also felt included and it was explained in a way that really clicked with me. And it helped me understand my shadow self a little more and the correlation between my shadow, my sexual energy, and my financial stability.
It also helped shift my victim mentality a bit to where it wasn't demanding and aggressive, but a gentle reminder, like, hey, your thoughts are keeping you a prisoner and you focus on nothing else but that victim negativity. 10/10