Clear the Root Blocks to MONEY and experience FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE

The Infinity Healing techniques in this program will transform your relationship with money. Here's just a taste of how the infinity healing technique will help you.

  • 1

    Clear Your Limiting Beliefs

    • Clear your limiting beliefs, fears and emotions
    • Clear your past life and ancestral blocks
    • Clear your fear of success and/or failure
    • Clear self sabotage
    • Clear feeling bad for charging and receiving money
    • Clear these blocks for your parents, children and future generations


  • 2

    Thrive From Your Gifts, Talents and Abilities

    • Experience more financial freedom, empowerment and security
    • Experience more ease and grace
    • Manage your finances and clear your debt
    • Attract infinite opportunities and clients
    • Learn to charge properly for your time, knowledge and skills
  • 3

    A Powerful Healing Modality

    • One of the most trusted sources for healing
    • Voted one of the most powerful healing modalities by many veterans of healing


Real Life Results!

After your Manifest Money Miracles series I was able pay off $3000 worth of private debt, and about $2000 worth of credit card debt, in addition to being able to pay the rest of my expenses in full.


I also experienced an over 300% increase in clients over the course of the year.  


I've tried many programs, but with applying Infinity Healing to my finances, powerful inner shifts and tangible results started to happen fast! 


Thanks Tarek for this wonderful program!



-Anastasia, Chicago, IL

Financially...things came at the right time after I talked to Tarek. I got to clear my debt...about $12000. Now I have a mortgage and a home!

Natalia Norton


I have increased revenue by about $5000, consistently booked and rebooked. Tarekhas real gift for cutting through to the core of the problem.

Jean Kelsey


Why Infinity Healing is Different.

"I went from being on welfare to averaging $10,000 per month in 10 months!!! I did it the hard way by trying to do it on my own. But you don’t have to!"

"After countless hours of hard work, Tarek developed all inclusive healing program that is offered here. He was able to accomplish MIRACLES and know you can too. It brings him great joy to help you go through this transition with ultimate ease and grace and with the love, support and guidance needed.

This program has over 400 Individual Infinity Healings specific to each module. Tarek tried many modalities, and tried many programs and ended up with a debt of $30,000!!!! He realized that he was worst off AFTER doing the programs than when he started. He then committed myself to finding a way out.

After learning from the world’s greatest healers and evolving healing sessions to their highest potential through divine guidance, Infinity Healing was Born! This is the modality that has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide and is encoded into this audio program.

The Healings in this program will connect you to your infinite self, to source-god-universe, and allow it to do all that it knows to do for you (clear beliefs, emotions, karma, fears… on all levels (past lives, genetic, ancestral, collective consciousness).

This Program covers so much more than anything you have seen. It also ensures that you create sacred space for your higher self to integrate a specific healing for you each time you listen!

Before Tarek created this program he asked the question, "If I died tomorrow, what legacy would I leave behind?" And this program is the answer!

This modality was born because of all the challenges he went through and after working with thousands across the globe, he found my clients were the same challenges! WE are all connected after all. No matter your challenge, Infinity Healing will help you to transmute them permanently.

Tarek truly knows from experience we can thrive doing what we love, and that if we each did that, we will co-create heaven on earth! What you do for yourself, you do for the collective. This program will help you the way it helped Tarek and many others.

This Program Saved Me Over $150,000

“NEXT DAY the bank calls, apologizing for “the delay” and giving a precious answer to an important question (even with the ombudsman’s help, they had ignored me for a year). Today their lawyer wrote that the convention would be ready in a couple of days… pre-approved by all of his clients. Am still waiting for it, but the way it is looking, this program will have saved me around $150,000 USD!!

Here’s the latest miracle: I also found this week two properties for the price of one

Thank you Tarek. I really WAS at the end of my rope.”


Anastasia - Chicago, IL

Here's What's Included...

This Program Includes 3 months of Healing in 10 Audio Downloads.

Module 1 : Clearing Scarcity

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your scarcity
  • Create a new default setting to shift from scarcity to prosperity consciousness
  • Start focusing on all that you do have with gratitude
  • Start experiencing more than enough money, love, energy, freedom…
  • Get out of surviving and into thriving
  • Start seeing and experiencing the infinite abundance all around

Module 2: Clearing Your Receiving Blocks

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your receptivity
  • Open yourself up to receive more easily and in massive abundance
  • Clear any part of you that is an over giver
  • Have saying yes to your heart’s desires being your new default
  • Start feeling more worthy, deserving and good enough
  • Know how to ask for what you want, receive and keep it

Module 3: Clarity & Action

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your lack of clarity and not taking action
  • Start taking fast inspired action
  • Experience infinite clarity about your next guided steps
  • Focusing on the steps that will get you the results you seek
  • Clear foggy mind and distractions
  • Listening to your intuition and following through on its guidance
  • Feel the fear and still take action

Module 4: Heal Your Relationship With Money

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your money relationship
  • Clear and heal any judgments towards money and wealthy people
  • Become best friends with the energy of money
  • Clear anywhere you feel money and spirituality are separate
  • Clear anywhere you feel bad charging for your gifts
  • Allow yourself all the freedom, empowerment that comes with money

Module 5: Clearing Debt

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your debt
  • Clear pattern of being taken advantage of and trust issues
  • Learn the system to manage your money
  • Clear negative money karmas
  • Shift from negative dollars to positive
  • Heal relationships with credit cards, banks…

Module 6: Clear Self Sabotage

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your
  • Clear any fear of success and/or failure
  • Shift out of the mind and into the sacred heart space
  • Have all part of yourself move towards your desires
  • Clear any and all conflicting messages
  • Reassure your mind, ego and inner children that it’s safe to move forward

Module 7: For-Giving

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your forgiving
  • Learn to start giving that which you desire in order to receive
  • Forgive everyone and everything that is holding you back
  • Cut all cords with those that no longer serve you
  • Clear any and all karma for what you did and what others did to you
  • Learn all the lessons from these experiences

Module 8: Ease and Grace

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your hardships
  • Shift from struggle and hard work to ease and grace
  • Clear ancestral patterns of working very hard
  • Go with the divine flow
  • Follow the path of least resistance
  • Follow the signs to your destiny

Module 9: Clearing Guilt and Shame

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your guilt
  • Feeling good about making lots of money
  • Clear anywhere you felt negative emotions towards money
  • Start feeling ok that you make more money than most people
  • Let go of shame and blame
  • Let go of feeling it’s greedy to want more than enough

Module 10: Fear of Success and Failure

  • Clear all limiting beliefs, fears, emotions and everything at the root of your blocks to success
  • Start feeling good about succeeding
  • Shift failure to learning lessons
  • Clear being hard on yourself
  • Shift out of self pressure to more gentle self love
  • Start moving forward and upward with momentum


Manifest Money Miracles MP3

This is a silent audio pack filled with Infinity Healing to help you manifest infinite money miracles. You can play it while you sleep, at work, at the gym.

The audio can be used at any time to manifest feelings of abundance, of having more then enough, of gratitude.

Introducing Tarek

Tarek "Bliss" Bibi is a rising star with a massive following who has already changed the lives of over one million people worldwide. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, starseed, earth angel, and lightworker.
Tarek works with business women and men on the spiritual path to help them "Thrive Doing What They Love!" Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts' desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have struggled to achieve results before.
Tarek Bibi, aka Mr. Miraculous, is a facilitator of inner transformation, helping people around the world transcend their emotional and psychological blocks at the core level. In an instant, Tarek is able to help people release years of pain and problems to Live Life Miraculously!
A popular speaker on telesummits, in the media, and festivals, Tarek's warm, sincere and heart-centered presence helps and heals all who are inspired by his own journey from abuse to living an inspired life.

Tarek Bibi

Weekly Sessions For Maximum Results.

Each audio track is designed to be heard 1 week apart. You'll receive a new audio healing session every week until the whole course is complete.

Your Sacred Space

Listen, meditate & reflect in your own time and at your own pace.

Fully Supported

Ask questions, receive answers and share your miracles through a dedicated Facebook Group.

Yours Forever

Access the program or download the MP3s and use them again and again, whenever you feel blocked.

Here’s What People Are Saying About Manifest Money Miracles...


"I Manifested 6000 Euros Out Of The Blue..."

Steffie, Austria

Manifested $7,000 in 30 Days!

Liz, USA

Is this Course Right for You?

If you feel BLOCKED in life, whether it's your PURPOSE, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, NEGATIVITY or CHILDHOOD ISSUES that are holding you back, then this program is for you. These sessions will help you clear EMOTIONS, BELIEFS and FEARS, setting you on a new path towards a life full of joy, purpose, love and abundance.

More Success Stories From Tarek's Clients

Jalata Abdo

I paid off $35,000 in debt!

“I was able to refinance my house that I have never been able to do because of my credits score or income problem. This morning when I woke up, I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53,000 worth of debts. I am a much happier person now

Thank you!”


Cancer Undetectable!

“About a week ago the Dr. told me until further notice to consider that I have uterine and possibly breast cancer too. I asked for and received the blessings and healings from you. Today, I had a highly specialized ultra sound and the Dr. came to read it. He looked at it several times and said that he just could not understand it, but all was completely clear!“


I've had the most profitable weeks of the year!

“My Mojo had gone. It felt like for good, no matter what I tried. Using Tarek Bibi’s Program has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of 2012. Now I’m making good money again. I’m happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I am a 100% certain this would not have happened without Tarek’s Program – it is that good. Life feels good again. Thank you Tarek!“



New Job - New Home.

“I was homeless and had been for some time. I needed help. After receiving Tarek’s healings, I was employed and was dwelling in my own apartment. Then I was the Assistant Manager and had survived an economic downturn in the company. After the next healing, the company I was employed at had turned around its economic position and I was seated in my own office responsible for now training a new employee to be successful at the job I had mastered!“

Judy Hoyt

United States

More Deserving

“I can say that I feel stronger, I feel more self love and appreciation, I feel more deserving. My relationships are changing. I’m changing my feelings and beliefs about money. The healing the inner child module alone would be worth the price of the package.“

Barbara Patterson

Body Breakthrough Coach

Energy Healing with Turbo Power!

“Tarek is the real deal. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing. I have tried reiki, eft and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo power. If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek’s program.”

Enroll for immediate access on a plan that’s right for you.

Regular Price:

1 payment of


  • Immediate Access to First Session

  • Weekly Sessions + Bonus Audio

  • Your own secure login area

  • Yours to Keep Forever

  • Private Facebook Group Support


  • Immediate Access to First Session

  • Weekly Sessions + Bonus Audio

  • Your own secure login area

  • Yours to Keep Forever

  • Private Facebook Group Support


Here are some answers to common questions you may have, but if you can't find the answer you're looking for contact us..

What payment methods do you offer?

We take payment via PayPal, a safe, secure online payment system which operates worldwide. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can set one up or make payment directly via credit or charge card. Follow the instructions on screen when you enroll.

Can I download the audio files?

Where can I get support?

How do I access the program?

How often should I listen to each session?