Are You Ready to Experience HUGE SHIFTS!!!

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    Who You Are

    You are an empath, a lightworker, a healer, a person who is interested in spirituality, you may have not felt like you fit in. You have been on the spiritual path learning new things and healing as you go but have not gotten deep results yet. You had an awakening and would like to clear your blocks from the core so that you can experience a better life. You would like to experience relationships that are aligned, more financial stability, more fulfillment from your career and to heal your inner child’s wounds.

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    What Your Challenges Tend to Be

    You have a hard time setting strong healthy boundaries. You may be feeling unfulfilled in your career. You may not be feeling aligned in your relationships. You may attract those that dont value you. You may be an over giver. You may attract energy vampires. You may have a hard time receiving. You may have grown up not feeling like you belong here. You may not have a good relationship with money, you may be in lots of debt and dont know how you got there.

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    What You Need Most Right Now

    You would like to have more financial stability. You would like to have more clarity about your life purpose. You would like to connect with your soul friends, family and mates.

Why Infinity Healing is Different.

"I went from being on welfare to averaging $10,000 per month in 10 months!!! I did it the hard way by trying to do it on my own. But you don’t have to!"

"After countless hours of hard work, Tarek developed all inclusive healing program that is offered here. He was able to accomplish MIRACLES and know you can too. It brings him great joy to help you go through this transition with ultimate ease and grace and with the love, support and guidance needed.

This program has over 400 Individual Infinity Healings specific to each module. Tarek tried many modalities, and tried many programs and ended up with a debt of $30,000!!!! He realized that he was worst off AFTER doing the programs than when he started. He then committed myself to finding a way out.

After learning from the world’s greatest healers and evolving healing sessions to their highest potential through divine guidance, Infinity Healing was Born! This is the modality that has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide and is encoded into this audio program.

The Healings in this program will connect you to your infinite self, to source-god-universe, and allow it to do all that it knows to do for you (clear beliefs, emotions, karma, fears… on all levels (past lives, genetic, ancestral, collective consciousness).

This Program covers so much more than anything you have seen. It also ensures that you create sacred space for your higher self to integrate a specific healing for you each time you listen!

Before Tarek created this program he asked the question, "If I died tomorrow, what legacy would I leave behind?" And this program is the answer!

This modality was born because of all the challenges he went through and after working with thousands across the globe, he found my clients were the same challenges! WE are all connected after all. No matter your challenge, Infinity Healing will help you to transmute them permanently.

Tarek truly knows from experience we can thrive doing what we love, and that if we each did that, we will co-create heaven on earth! What you do for yourself, you do for the collective. This program will help you the way it helped Tarek and many others.

I started listening to Tarek’s audio Program and during that same week I was expecting a cheque for $500.


I received the cheque but there was an extra zero at the end of the $500! I received $5,000!

S.M. - Toronto

After listening to Tarek's Audio program, it has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of this year. I am now making good money again. I’m happy , and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have excellent ideas to grow my business.


Blair - England

Yesterday afternoon, I received a voicemail message from an employment placement
office, which I haven’t heard from in 8 months or so, telling me they may have the ideal job for me. I returned the call and talked with him and I have a interview on Monday morning with them before they set the interview with the specific employer. Talk about fast!


Here's What's Included...

This Program Includes 4 months of Healing Audio in 14 Audio Downloads.

Module 1 – Master Radical Self Love

Blast away anything in the way of loving yourself fully, to receive even more abundance with ease and grace.

Highlights include:

  • Receptivity
  • Find out how expanding your receptivity will help you attract more abundance.
  • Over giving
  • By balancing giving and receiving, you will have more energy to do what you love.
  • Love Yourself
  • Loving yourself is the foundation of attracting abundance.
  • Take more time for yourself and learn how to put yourself first.

Module 2 – Experience Ultimate Health

Spring into your ultimate health. Know exactly what your body wants in terms of food, health and fitness.

Highlights include:

  • Lose unwanted weight
  • The secret to weight loss is releasing the emotions that cause it.
  • Fitness
  • Work out in the way your body needs it. This could be dancing, swimming, walking, bicycling..
  • Eating the right foods for you
  • Your body is unique and needs specific foods at specific times.

Module 3 – Become A Money Magnet

Magnetize your Mind to Attract Money in all its forms, from all Sources

Highlights include:

  • Mindset
  • Clear all those Beliefs, Emotions and Fears in the way of attracting money.
  • Get to the Root
  • Heal this block from its very root permanently and replace it with flow.

Module 4 – Bust Loose From The Money Game

Initiate yourself to the ultimate secret of money. Play the money game to win with the awareness that it’s all a game.

Highlights include:

  • Breaking out of The Matrix
  • Illuminate yourself to the hidden truth that we live in a illusory reality where everything is possible.
  • Awakened
  • Play the game of life by being aware that it’s a game and know how to create what you want and move away from creating what you don’t want.

Module 5 – Become A Money Master

Download into your being the consciousness of a true spiritual money master. Become the master of your reality.

Highlights include:

  • Live in the now
  • By being present in the now, in your bliss, in your power.
  • Clarity
  • Get clarity from Source about ideas, motivation, inspiration and visions to manifest more money.
  • Connection
  • Connect to that energy that improves your flow and grace in receiving more money.


Module 6 – Manifest Monetary Abundance

Think like a millionaire, as you understand the beliefs, paradigms and mindsets.

Highlights include:

  • Manage your money
  • Learn how to manage your money, paying yourself first.
  • Habits of success
  • Start doing things that will lead you to becoming financially abundant.

Module 7 – Experience Your Ultimate Relationship

Change yourself and you will change your relationships.

Highlights include:

  • Break out of the Drama
  • Letting go of all that causes emotional heaviness in a relationship.
  • Letting go of Patterns
  • Release the patterns that were picked up from parents, childhood and ancestors.


Module 8 – Happy Pocket Full of Money

Work on fully aligning yourself with your highest spiritual master self to create a life of ease, grace and effortless manifestation of all your heart desires!

Highlights include:

  • Turn your dreams into reality
  • Master the art of manifestation through visualization with ultimate ease and grace
  • Dream Big
  • Allowing your higher self to play a bigger game, receiving more and manifesting a bigger vision.

Module 9 – Think and Grow Rich


Highlights include:

  • The 80-20 RULE
  • Do the 20% that will give you the 80% results.
  • Stop procrastinating and start taking action
  • Get that energy in motion to build on your successes moving forward.


Module 10 – Become a Client Magnet

Imagine attracting all the perfect clients into your practice, ones that are in complete alignment with you.

Highlights include:

  • Perfect match
  • Attract the infinite amount of clients that want you and your services.
  • Create the perfect services
  • Start catering to your ideal client’s needs through products, services, and packages.

Module 11 – Healing Trauma and Abuse

Are you ready to step into your power? Heal those old wounds that keep you feeling stuck, trapped, and blocked.

Highlights include:

  • Healing your inner child
  • Let your inner child come out and play and bring you all the joy you desire.
  • Step into your confidence
  • Step into your confidence and power embracing this energy that is there to serve you.


Module 12 – Accomplishing Goals and Dreams

Get Clarity and Focus on your goals and dreams.

Highlights include:

  • Take fast inspired action
  • ACTIVATE your divine masculine. – Activate that part of you that makes things happen.
  • Get focused and clear
  • Get laser sharp focus and clarity by clearing those distractions that keep you going in circles.

Module 13 – Attract Your Perfect Partner

Manifest and align with your ultimate Soul Mate. Attract a partnership that is perfect for both of you on all levels.

Highlights include:

  • Ask and you shall receive
  • Manifest exactly what you want in a relationship, feeling wise and then surrender it to the higher self. So that it is that or something greater!
  • Manifest your perfect partner
  • Clear all the things in the way of this happening now.


Module 14 – Complete Healing for Empaths and Light Workers

Step into the Infinite You so that you can function in this world as a master and not a victim.

Highlights include:

  • Clear Energy Drains
  • Your energy is your most valuable asset; shield your energy so that others don’t take your energy and you don’t absorb theirs or other people’s energy.
  • Let go of the need to get approval from others
  • Not caring what others think is the most powerful tool to move you forward in your passions, even if they are not what your parents wanted from you.
  • Self acceptance
  • By being yourself fully, you start to align your perfect relationships, careers, and money making opportunities; as well as fulfilling yourself completely & knowing it’s ok to be you and that the universe celebrates your authenticity!
  • …And there is so much more. This audio needs a month break afterwards.


Introducing Tarek

Tarek "Bliss" Bibi is a rising star with a massive following who has already changed the lives of over one million people worldwide. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, starseed, earth angel, and lightworker.
Tarek works with business women and men on the spiritual path to help them "Thrive Doing What They Love!" Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts' desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have struggled to achieve results before.
Tarek Bibi, aka Mr. Miraculous, is a facilitator of inner transformation, helping people around the world transcend their emotional and psychological blocks at the core level. In an instant, Tarek is able to help people release years of pain and problems to Live Life Miraculously!
A popular speaker on telesummits, in the media, and festivals, Tarek's warm, sincere and heart-centered presence helps and heals all who are inspired by his own journey from abuse to living an inspired life.

Tarek Bibi

Weekly Sessions For Maximum Results.

Each audio track is designed to be heard 1 week apart. You'll receive a new audio healing session every week and the whole course is complete.

Your Sacred Space

Listen, meditate & reflect in your own time and at your own pace.

Fully Supported

Ask questions, receive answers and share your miracles through a dedicated Facebook Group.

Yours Forever

Access the program or download the MP3s and use them again and again, whenever you feel blocked.

Here’s What People Are Saying About the Infinite Abundance Program...


Paid Off 53,000 in Debt!

I was able to refinance my house that I have never been able to do because of my credit score or income problem. I have got it at a very low interest rate from 6.75% to 4.375%. This morning when I wake I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53000 worth of debts. Paid off two cars store credits credit cards. Paid off all debts and was able to deposit some money in to my saving account. I am so happy person now. I have only one mortgage payment now that is even less that what I used to pay for the mortgage before excluding all other payments

Thank you! thank you!

Jalata Abdo

Is this Course Right for You?

If you feel BLOCKED in life, whether it's your PURPOSE, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, NEGATIVITY or CHILDHOOD ISSUES that are holding you back, then this program is for you. These sessions will help you clear EMOTIONS, BELIEFS and FEARS, setting you on a new path towards a life full of joy, purpose, love and abundance.

More Success Stories From Tarek's Clients

Jalata Abdo

I Paid Off $35,000 in debt!

“I was able to refinance my house that I have never been able to do because of my credits score or income problem. This morning when I woke up, I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53,000 worth of debts. I am a much happier person now

Thank you!”


Cancer Undetectable!

“About a week ago the Dr. told me until further notice to consider that I have uterine and possibly breast cancer too. I asked for and received the blessings and healings from you. Today, I had a highly specialized ultra sound and the Dr. came to read it. He looked at it several times and said that he just could not understand it, but all was completely clear!“


I've had the most profitable weeks of the year!

“My Mojo had gone. It felt like for good, no matter what I tried. Using Tarek Bibi’s Program has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of 2012. Now I’m making good money again. I’m happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I am a 100% certain this would not have happened without Tarek’s Program – it is that good. Life feels good again. Thank you Tarek!“



New Job - New Home.

“I was homeless and had been for some time. I needed help. After receiving Tarek’s healings, I was employed and was dwelling in my own apartment. Then I was the Assistant Manager and had survived an economic downturn in the company. After the next healing, the company I was employed at had turned around its economic position and I was seated in my own office responsible for now training a new employee to be successful at the job I had mastered!“

Judy Hoyt

United States

More Deserving

“I can say that I feel stronger, I feel more self love and appreciation, I feel more deserving. My relationships are changing. I’m changing my feelings and beliefs about money. The healing the inner child module alone would be worth the price of the package.“

Barbara Patterson

Body Breakthrough Coach

Energy Healing with Turbo Power!

“Tarek is the real deal. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing. I have tried reiki, eft and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo power. If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek’s program.”

Enroll for immediate access on a plan that’s right for you.

  • Immediate Access to First Session

  • Weekly Sessions for 14 weeks

  • Your own secure login area

  • Yours to Keep Forever

  • Private Facebook Group Support

  • Immediate Access to First Session

  • Weekly Sessions for 14 weeks

  • Your own secure login area

  • Yours to Keep Forever

  • Private Facebook Group Support


Here are some answers to common questions you may have, but if you can't find the answer you're looking for contact us..

What payment methods do you offer?

We take payment via PayPal, a safe, secure online payment system which operates worldwide. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can set one up or make payment directly via credit or charge card. Follow the instructions on screen when you enroll.

Can I download the audio files?

Where can I get support?

How do I access the program?

How often should I listen to each session?

© Copyright 2020 Tarek Bibi