Tarek Bibi's Special Offer

Infinite empowerment Program

            Fully Align With Your Purpose & Passion While Experiencing Infinite Abundance



  • Are you having a hard time with money, relationships and your life purpose?

  • Are you not doing what you love, not making enough, or attracting negative relationships?
  • Have you been on this journey for a long time trying to clear these blocks but not getting anywhere?
  • Are you finding it hard to find a modality or a healer that can actually get you some real, long-lasting results?

Clear all your blocks from the root once and for all to:

Fully Align With Your Ultimate Life Purpose


Create Your Ultimate Relationships


Manifest Infinite Financial Freedom & Abundance

Welcome to the Infinite Empowerment program:

Healing your core blocks from the root to the fruit to create long-lasting shifts in all areas in your life.


  • Clear all your karma from past lives
  • Clear all the negative patterns from ancestors
  • Heal all the trauma from your childhood
  • Release the fears from mom and dad
  • Healing negative things you passed down to your children
  • Heal your core blocks from the womb, from birth,
  • Fully align with your ultimate life purpose
  • Create your ultimate relationships
  • Manifest infinite financial freedom and abundance
  • Clear the root of your health blocks

Here’s What Others Are Saying About Tarek​

If You Wish To Change Your Life, You Do Not Want To Miss Tarek's Program



"Tarek is the real deal. Everything is energy. it makes sense that if your desire is to change your life in any way, it needs to occur energetically. Our issues and blocks are deeply embedded in layers like an onion. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing. I have tried reiki, eft and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo power. If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek's program."


~ Barbara Patterson

Busiest Month And Most Profitable Weeks Of This Year!!!



"After listening to Tarek's Audio program, it has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of this year. I am now making good money again. I'm happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have excellent ideas to grow my business."







~ Blair, England

Amazing Results Within 3 Weeks…From Struggle To Effortless $10,000 Manifestation!

"I have purchased many packages over the past year and a half to raise my vibration for more financial abundance and just more joy in my life. They all have helped me in some way but nothing has given me the profound and fast results that your energies have. Within three weeks I had amazing results that netted me nearly $10,000 the first month in effortless sales where I had been struggling for many months.! It has been so exciting to see what each day would bring. Thank you for bringing joy and peace back to my life. Love Your Work!"

~ Kris Olson

Below Introductory Price is for Limited Offer Only!

This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.

After reaching over 100,000 people with my healing and doing thousands of one-on-one healing sessions over the last 10 years, I have discovered that the root of any block always stems from a childhood trauma.

Whether it’s a session for money, relationships, life purpose or health we always found that there was a traumatic incident from childhood that is blocking the flow in the present time.

This brand new program was created to help those people who are spending so much time energy and money going in circles and not getting long lasting results. This was created to help you once and for all dive deep and clear ALL your core blocks from the deepest root.

98% of your success is based on your mindset. this program will not only get rid of all the beliefs, mindsets, blue prints, templates, attributes, perceptions, perspectives and judgments that are limiting and negative, it will also download new positive empowering beliefs to help you achieve your results faster.

If you feel like you have tried everything and STILL not received the results you are looking for, you are Not alone!

Most people are not getting results because their healers are not able to go as deep as needed, and have themselves have not reached the levels their clients are seeking.

Tarek is a Pleiadian Indigo child who has mastered the ascension process and has been recognized by numerous psychics as a 12th dimensional Ascended Master Healer. Tarek is here to help healers, lightworkers and empaths to achieve spiritual mastery in a powerful way.



  • Module 1: Healing all your core blocks from all your past lives
  • Module 2: Healing all your core blocks from ancestors
  • Module 3: Healing all your core blocks from in between lives
  • Module 4: Healing all your core blocks from conception
  • Module 5: Healing all your core blocks from birth
  • Module 6: Healing all your core blocks from birth till age 7
  • Module 7: Healing all your core blocks from age 7 to 19
  • Module 8: Healing all your core blocks from age 19 till now


  • Bonus 1: Healing your relationship with masculine-father
  • Bonus 2: Healing your relationship with the feminine-mother

Module 1:

Healing all your core blocks from all your past lives

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 44 minutes

  • Clearing all your past life blockages, fears, emotions, karma, agreements, vows, contracts, patterns.
  • Breaking out of old cycles by learning all the lessons you need to learn
  • Taking back all your power that was given away.
  • Healing deep past life traumas and wounds stored in your cellular memory.
  • And so much more..

Module 3:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From in Between Lives

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Clearing any and all manipulation with false light beings.
  • Clearing agreements, contracts, and karma that no longer serves you.
  • Healing agreements for this lifetime including for life purpose, soul mates and family.
  • And so much more..

Module 2:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Ancestors

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 45 minutes

  • Clearing the Fears, beliefs, emotions from ancestors.
  • Clearing any and all financial blocks due to ancestral scarcity and survival.
  • Healing any and all family curses, black magic, ancestral karma and learning all the lessons.
  • And so much more..

Module 4:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Conception

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Healing survival patterns from conception
  • Clearing all lack and scarcity, and negative energies picked up from parents
  • Clearing all negative self talk, programs, mind control and blueprints.
  • Healing any identity trauma
  • And so much more..

Module 6:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Birth Till Age 7

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Healing any fears picked up from mom, including fears or trauma experienced from mother
  • Healing any and all traumas during the birth process
  • Healing any complications from being in the wound or during birth
  • Healing trust issues with hospital staff
  • Allowing for easier transition into the world
  • And so much more..

Module 6:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Birth Till Age 7

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Healing and clearing fears, beliefs, emotions from this age
  • Clearing negative energies from mom and dad
  • Clearing limitations from religion, society and culture
  • Clearing any blocks from school and media
  • Clearing any and all traumas with siblings
  • And so much more..

Module 6:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Birth Till Age 7

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Healing trauma around breakups
  • Healing sibling rivalry
  • Healing physical injuries
  • Healing overcoming failures
  • Healing around rejection
  • And so much more..

Module 6:

Healing All Your Core Blocks From Birth Till Age 7

Value: $150


Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Healing any and all sexual traumas
  • Healing all traumas with previous relationships
  • Learning life lessons, clearing core patterns,
  • Healing core traumas
  • Clear negative patterns passed down to your children

Bonus 1:

Healing your relationship with masculine-father

Value: $150

Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Heal your childhood traumas with your father
  • Heal your relationships with your father and males
  • Activate your relationship with the divine masculine

Bonus 2:

Healing Your Relationship With The Feminine-Mother

Value: $150

Format: MP3

Length: 20 minutes

  • Heal your childhood traumas with your mother
  • Heal your relationships with your mother and females
  • Activate your inner divine feminine

Here Are Even More Success Stories....


Busiest Month Ever!


"After listening to Tarek's Audio program, it has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of this year. I am now making good money again. I'm happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have excellent ideas to grow my business."


~ Blair, England



3 New Clients!



"The first time I listened to your money magnet track, I felt a huge physical release regarding my self-limiting beliefs about money. The very next day I got calls from 3 new clients and I don't even know how they found me. I usually average one new client per month, so there is no way this could be a coincidence. Amazing results after just one listen!"





Manifested a Job!



"Yesterday afternoon, I received a voicemail message from an employment placement office, which I haven't heard from in 8 months or so telling me they may have the ideal job for me. I returned the call and talked with him and I had an interview on Monday morning with them before they set up the interview with the specific employer. Talk about fast!"


~ Linda


Excellent Support and Training


"I was so excited to learn Infinity Healing from Tarek, and I was not disappointed! He lovingly shares his words of wisdom, gives you a script to practice with and spends time answering your questions with pure tenderness. I would recommend this course because I came away with a knowledge that I have his support and an amazing system to work with clients all over the world."


~ Amanda






Paid Off 53,000 in Debt!


"I was able to refinance my house, which I have never been able to do because of my credit score or income problem. I got it at a very low interest rate. This morning I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53000 worth of debts and its credit cards. I paid off all debts and was able to deposit some money into my saving account. I am so happy now. I have only one mortgage payment now. That is even less than what I used to pay for the mortgage before excluding all other payments. Thank you!"


~ Jalata


From no money to attracting more clients


"I have been having financial issues for quite some time now and, despite doing a number of clearings, money does still not appear in my physical reality. However, since listening to the 3rd MP3 and even though it's been only 1 week, I have fallen into a deep sleep most of the time. I have been getting more clients to contact me about possible business opportunities. I feel calmer and know money will be appearing in my physical reality shortly. I am so excited for this to happen now."


~ N.R.

About Tarek Bibi


Tarek Bliss Bibi has changed the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide. He works with business women and individuals on the spiritual path to help them Thrive Doing What They Love! Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results eslewhere.


Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, a facilitator of inner transformation helps you transcend your emotional and psychological blocks at their core level to Live your Life Miraculously! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences and now they are manifesting in our relationships, businesses and health. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light worker. He earns the name Mr. Miraculous because of the breakthroughs he has assisted his clients in achieving.


Infinity Academy

Copyright 2021 Tarek Bibi. All Rights Reserved.

© Copyright 2020 Tarek Bibi