Welcome to the Infinite Abundance Monthly Healing Group

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    Monthly Infinite Healing Sessions

    Every member of our Infinite Abundance Group will receive a powerful 1 hour Distance Healing session and a LIVE Healing call.

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    The Results You Need

    From the distance healing, each individual will receive exactly what they are in need of at the present moment directly from Source. There is nothing for you to do, it will just happen energetically whether you are asleep or working. There will be a common theme that emerges for the group every month (check out the list of topics below).

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    Each Healing Session Includes...

    • Aligning and healing all your chakras
    • Connecting to your highest self and source
    • Manifesting all your heart's desires
    • Clearing all that your higher self is ready to clear
    • ...and so much more

I started listening to Tarek’s audio Program and during that same week I was expecting a cheque for $500.


I received the cheque but there was an extra zero at the end of the $500! I received $5,000!

After listening to Tarek's Audio program, it has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of this year. I am now making good money again. I’m happy , and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have excellent ideas to grow my business.


Blair - England

Yesterday afternoon, I received a voicemail message from an employment placement
office, which I haven’t heard from in 8 months or so, telling me they may have the ideal job for me. I returned the call and talked with him and I have a interview on Monday morning with them before they set the interview with the specific employer. Talk about fast!


Monthly Membership Circle

Here is the list of upcoming healings:


- Clear debt on all levels (karma)
- Get out of scarcity lack survival


- Clear ancestral karma and trauma
- Clear past life karma and trauma fear of being seen and vows of poverty


- Take inspired action (activating the sacred masculine)
- Connect with your intuition (activating the sacred feminine)


- Own your infinite value (including your gifts, time and energy)
- Charge your worth (start charging a minimum of $100-$10,000 for your packages)


- Clear judgments to money and being wealthy
- Clear all subliminal programming (from media, society culture and religion)


- Have faith and believe in yourself
- Own your infinite power


- Experience infinite confidence in yourself and your gifts
- Get yourself out there (workshops, expos, you tube videos and summits)


- Get clear about your number (budgets, intentions, best ways of making money)
- Money Management (what are the different accounts to open)


- Giving blocks (hording money, afraid to give it away)
- Receiving blocks (feeling worthy deserving and good enough)


-Gaining infinite clarity and focus on your next steps


-Staying consistently motivated, inspired and aligned, easily manifesting your goals and dreams



-Infinite resilience and never giving up. Finding creative solutions and manifesting more financial opportunities


-80/20 principle to receive more financial abundance with less effort (focusing on the 20% of activities that will lead to 80% of your financial results)


-Gratitude , focusing on what you have, being grateful as a way of manifesting more of what you want into your life


-Planning ahead, next year, 5 years ahead, 10 years ahead, writing out your goals and planning the steps to achieve them

Be The Change!

What you shift in you, you shift for the planet.
You are worth it and you deserve this!

Monthly Healing

Listen, meditate & reflect in your own time and at your own pace.

Group Energy

A shared experience to heighten the healing energy each month.

Private Facebook Group

In-between healings ask your questions, share your insights and share your successes!

Success Stories


Paid Off 53,000 in Debt!

I am profoundly grateful for the group distance healing on Thursday! I had the first major breakthrough I’ve had in a long time! I’ve always had such a hard time reading technical documents, I could never get through them.
Then “out of the blue” I felt so inspired that I spent 2 hours reading financial-related documents that allowed me to sign up for an investment opportunity (something I had put off for weeks).

I can hardly believe that I was able to do the extended reading without negative side-effects, as has happened so many times in the past! Just thinking about it is making me cry!


Tarek is the real deal. Everything is energy. It makes sense that if your desire is to change your life
in any way, it needs to occur energetically. Our issues and blocks are deeply imbedded in layers
like an onion. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing.
I have tried Reiki, EFT and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo
If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek’s program.

Barbara Patterson, Body Breakthrough Coach

More Success Stories From Tarek's Clients

Jalata Abdo

I paid off $53,000 of debt!

“I was able to refinance my house that I have never been able to do because of my credits score or income problem. This morning when I woke up, I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53,000 worth of debts. I am a much happier person now

Thank you!”


Cancer Undetectable!

“About a week ago the Dr. told me until further notice to consider that I have uterine and possibly breast cancer too. I asked for and received the blessings and healings from you. Today, I had a highly specialized ultra sound and the Dr. came to read it. He looked at it several times and said that he just could not understand it, but all was completely clear!“


Most profitable Week...

“My Mojo had gone. It felt like for good, no matter what I tried. Using Tarek Bibi’s Program has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks of 2012. Now I’m making good money again. I’m happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I am a 100% certain this would not have happened without Tarek’s Program – it is that good. Life feels good again. Thank you Tarek!“



New Job - New Home.

“I was homeless and had been for some time. I needed help. After receiving Tarek’s healings, I was employed and was dwelling in my own apartment. Then I was the Assistant Manager and had survived an economic downturn in the company. After the next healing, the company I was employed at had turned around its economic position and I was seated in my own office responsible for now training a new employee to be successful at the job I had mastered!“

Judy Hoyt

United States

More Deserving

“I can say that I feel stronger, I feel more self love and appreciation, I feel more deserving. My relationships are changing. I’m changing my feelings and beliefs about money. The healing the inner child module alone would be worth the price of the package.“

Barbara Patterson

Body Breakthrough Coach

Energy Healing with Turbo Power!

“Tarek is the real deal. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing. I have tried reiki, eft and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo power. If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek’s program.”

Join the community today for immediate access.

Pricing Plans

You can cancel your subscription at any time and will continue to receive all the healings that you have already paid for.

Pay Monthly



Value: $150

Monthly sessions

Live Group Calls

Email Support




12 Months of Healing Sessions

Live Group Calls

Email Support



Every 3 Months (saving $448)

3 Months of Healing Sessions

Live Group Calls

Email Support

Subscriptions will renew each month, quarter or year on the same day as your first payment. You can cancel at any time and will continue to receive all the healings you have paid for through to the end of your subscription.

© Copyright 2020 Tarek Bibi