Become An Abundance Ambassador

If you'd like to offer Tarek Bibi's powerful and transformative programs to your followers, then sign up as a affiliate. In return for promoting our courses and programs, you'll receive generous commssion payments directly into your PayPal account. And you'll be helping your clients and contacts achieve amazing results from Tarek's unique 'Infinity Healing' courses.


Scroll down to find out more about how the affiliate system works, or watch the 4 minute video, then register to receive your own account in our Kartra training platform and begin promoting the course via email, Facebook and social media.


Thanks for Your Support.



Get Your Affiliate Links

To register as an Ambassador and get your unique links to our courses, please click below and register with Kartra. Kartra's system is used to host all our courses and programs and they run the affiliate management system.


1. Click below to register with Kartra. If you already have an account with Kartra it will prompt you to log in.

2. Wait for your confirmation email with your login page and instructions. THIS MAY TAKE UP TO 24 HOURS ESPECIALLY AT WEEKENDS

3. Log in to Kartra and watch the welcome video. This includes instructions on how to find and use your affiliate links.

4. Make sure you also follow the PAYMENTS link in your Kartra account and connect it to PayPal. This allows us to pay you automatically at the end of each month.

5. If you have any difficulties please reach out to us: 

Affiliate Commissions

Once you've rgeistered, you'll be able to log in to your Kartra account and find your unique affiliate links to promote Tarek's programs and courses.


    Infinity Healer Program

    Earn 20% promoting this comprehensive program training spiritual practitioners to offer Infinity Healing to their clients.



    Affiliate Commission



    Advanced Chakra, I Am Beautiful, Ascension

    Earn 33% commission on Tarek's series of healing courses.


    $444 - $888

    Affiliate Commission



    Infinite Abundance, Manifest Money Miracles, Thrive

    Earn 33% commission promoting Tarek's amazing courses to enable financial abundance and success for your followers.


    $333 - $888

    Affiliate Commission


Contact Our Team

Looking for advice or support on promoting Tarek's courses to your followers? Get in touch.

Email Support

Ambassador Terms & Conditions

By registering as a affiliate you are agreeing to promote our courses to your readers, followers, website visitors and clients. In return you'll receive commissions on every sales that comes to us via your unique affiliate link. There is no charge to rpomote our courses. All we ask is that you review the full terms and conditions below and agree to promote our courses faithfully, honestly and with integrity in the spirit of service that we operate.


Setting Up an Affiliate Account and Earning Commission

To set up an Affiliate Account please fill in the online sign-up form on our Website. We will then provide you with a unique link to post on your website and social media platforms and to pass on to others. Each ‘click’ on this link will be registered on your Affiliate Account using a cookie which is set on the user’s computer, and for each sale made through that link you will earn commission at the rate set out on our Website. We pay commission on the sale price of our products and no commission will be paid on any delivery charges or sales taxes paid by the customer.



We pay our Affiliates through PayPal, so you will need to have a PayPal account set up in order to receive payments. Please ensure that the PayPal email address listed on your account is correct so that we can make payments to you when they are due. If the address is incorrect then payments will not reach you so it is your responsibility to update your PayPal email address if you change it.

Affiliate payment dates are usually the last calendar day of each month, following the month in which the order is received. This can be anything from 29 to 62 days depending on the order date.

All Affiliate payments are paid gross. It is your responsibility to declare and pay any tax or insurance due on these payments and you indemnify against any claims, losses, damages or any other liabilities which arise as a result of you not declaring and paying those sums.


Relationship Between You and

Neither you nor we are the agent or partner of the other. You agree that you will NOT at any time promote yourself as an agent or employee of

You also agree that you have no authority to enter into any contract on behalf of or to bind in any way.


Your Obligations as a TarekBibi Affiliate

You agree that you will:

(a) follow our reasonable instructions and requests in relation to your relationship with us as our Affiliate;

(b) always promote our products in the best light and as we would choose to do so ourselves, and not make or publish any statement which is disparaging or negative;

(c) notify us of all enquiries about or our products promptly;

(d) familiarise yourself with the characteristics, functionality, price, performance and availability of our products; and

(e) bear all costs and expenses incurred in connection with your activities as a Affiliate.

You also agree that you will not:

(a) make any statement, representation or warranty, whether vocally or in writing, about or our products other than those statements and representations contained in materials provided by us to you or set out on our Website;

(b) register any domain name, email address or company name that is identical or similar to the registered trademarks ‘’ or a translation of these trade marks into any other language;

(c) promote your Affiliate link using SPAM/unsolicited emails;

(d) promote your Affiliate link in a way that may cause offence to others, including competitors;

(e) make statements about Tarek Bibi or are not true. Up-to-date information about our products can be found at, or by emailing us.


Termination and Closure of Inactive Accounts

We do not place any obligation on our Affiliates to meet quotas or guarantee sales. However, if any Affiliate Account is inactive for a period of one (1) year then we will close that account, meaning any clicks using the unique link associated with that account will no longer be registered to that account and no commission will be payable in respect of any sales coming through that link.

You can choose to end your membership of our Affiliate programme at any time, for any reason, by notifying us that you wish to do so. We will then close your account, meaning any clicks using your unique link will no longer be registered to your account. Any commission which has not already been paid to you at the date that your account is closed will be paid through to you within two (2) months of your account being closed.

We can terminate your membership of our Affiliate programme at any time, for any reason, by giving you thirty (30) days’ written notice. At the end of this thirty (30) day period we will close your account, meaning any clicks using your unique link will no longer be registered to your account. Any commission which has not already been paid to you at the date that your account is closed will be paid through to you on our next payment date.

We can also terminate your membership of the Affiliate programme with immediate effect if you breach any of these Terms and do not remedy that breach (if capable of remedy) within fourteen (14) days of notice from us. If you do not correct the relevant breach within this time period we will close your account, meaning any clicks using your unique link will no longer be registered to your account. Once your account has been closed no further commission will be payable, including any commission which has accrued to your account but not yet been paid to you.

In addition to the termination provisions above, either you or we will be entitled to terminate your membership immediately by notifying the other in writing if the other is declared bankrupt, enters into insolvency or administration proceedings.

The rights to terminate set out above do not prejudice any other right or remedy available to you or us.

If your membership of our Affiliate Programme is terminated for any reason you will be entitled to receive any unpaid commission registered on your Affiliate Account, unless payment is excluded for any reason set out in the above paragraphs. You will not be entitled to, or have any claim against for, compensation of any sort.

Unless these Terms state otherwise, on termination of your Affiliate Account neither you nor we will have any further obligation to the other under these Terms.



You agree not to disclose any Confidential Information, directly or indirectly, to any third party without our written authorisation to do so, and you will exercise a reasonable level of care in protecting our Confidential Information from unauthorised use and disclosure. In particular, you agree that you will keep your account login details confidential and will not share them with any other person. You will also keep all marketing and other materials in relation to confidential and will not use them for any purpose other than in connection with promotion of


Intellectual Property Rights

All rights, including Intellectual Property Rights, in and to, the products sold on our Website, the content in our Website and all other information and materials which relate to and products owned by Tarek Bibi.


You agree that you will not use any trade marks or trade names which resemble our own marks or names (or both) and which would cause or be likely to cause any confusion or deception to third parties. You also agree that you will not do anything or authorise anyone else to do anything which would or might invalidate, or be inconsistent with, our Intellectual Property Rights.


Limitation of Liabilities

We make no warranties or representations (whether express or implied) with respect to the Affiliate Programme or your potential to earn income as an Affiliate, or that our Website will be available or error-free at any time.

We will not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of profits) arising from or relating to your membership of our Affiliate Programme, including without limitation damages claimed as a result of our Website or our products being unavailable or not performing for any period of time.'s liability for all claims of any kind arising out of or related to these Terms (including for negligence), whether based on contract, tort or on other legal or equitable grounds, is limited to money damages not exceeding the amount of commission due to you and unpaid at such time and which relates directly to the particular claim.

Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for anything else it would be unlawful to exclude or limit.


Changes to These Terms

These Terms are personal to you as our Affiliate and you may not assign or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations to anyone else.

These Terms are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of The United State of America, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.



© Copyright 2020 Tarek Bibi